Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sunflowers!, originally uploaded by ILina S.

When the Son shines, what do you do?

Are you able to be a reflection of the beauty of GOD and transmit that glory outward, sharing it with a world that is increasingly dark?

Don't be sad or downcast if you cannot...just get out the windowcleaner, the Word of GOD and read and heed the instructions the Holy Spirit has been wanting to share with you.

Each of us have a beauty to share....let it out! The world needs it so much. Remember, it is not how big or important or even so seemingly perfect we appear that is important. The beauty of the sunflower of the large one in the front is accented by the choir surrounding it just as in your life.

Whether a background or lead singer, share your beauty through your expression to GOD and the world.


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