Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by benborg.

All one can cry is:
M E R C Y ! ! !


Originally uploaded by luminea.

Can you take the heat? It is 2400-2600 degrees... but the Creator is there with you....He says I will never leave you nor forsake you believe Him?

Anvil and hammer

Anvil and hammer
Originally uploaded by _chance_.

Are you willing for the Creator to take a few perfectly positioned blows to your spirit, soul and body to make something of value that once was not? CAUTION: You will be between the anvil and the hammer until it is done! With several plunges into the fire and also into the water. . .


Originally uploaded by Cam Pegg.

So how does the anvil stay hard and unchanging while the hammer wears away? It is all in the tempering. . .

Jeffrey's fire!

Jeffrey's fire!
Originally uploaded by emeryinhollister.

The fire that warms, purifies and tempers.