Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to all . . . and to all a good night!

We wish you a Merry Christmas to all of you!

As you spend time with those you love, remember GOD sent His best gift on a night like this to Bethlehem to be wrapped in warm blankets by a loving mother and father even when people were not so ready to receive what He came to bring to us.

But GOD made sure we would receive all He intended by making sure Mary and Joseph would
bring him through His childhood, give Him a trade,
and give Him every experience common to every man.

He knows us from first-hand experience!

And above all, Jesus wants to share all He has with all of us!

May all of your days be filled with His love.

From the Village Smithy and family

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Huckabee for President - 2008

Okay, so now for a political commercial for your family's future. We are very hopeful that GOD has the right man waiting in the wings for our country's highest position. Give hope a chance by checking this man's credentials ... he may indeed be our best hope for all of us. - I Like Mike!

YouTube - Breakfast at Huckabee's

This is a real political announcement regarding a true Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

YouTube - Reliant K - Celebrate the day

Hello everyone!

We wish you the very best of days to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. GOD came down the stairs of the universe placing His greatest gift, His only Son, in the manger for only a few to see initially. But the TRUTH is so is available for all to see and experience personally.

May your family experience His true love in all you do!

YouTube - Reliant K - Celebrate the day

The Village Smithy and family

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Logan, the Sky Angel Cowboy!

I recently came across this in a web-scurry...yes, sort of like what mice do when they know they are looking for food but don't exactly know what or where they will find it...well, this is a nice big piece of cheese that I emailed out to my friends immediately. It speaks a truth I have found personally true and incredibly helpful to my life. I hope Logan's message and Frank's posting it on YouTube will be helpful to you at Christmas. I know pain does a lot of awful things to people and hope is the first solution to any problem.

Merry Christmas from THE VILLAGE SMITHY and his family.

(A Frank Lozano Production) We have had a lot of requests to replay the phone call that Pastor Mike shared during our church service on Sunday, Nov. 11th, 2007.

Here you'll find the video clip that was created just for you. We've placed the video on YouTube so that you can watch it and share with family and friends.

Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.

Since airing the audio of the phone call and now the making of the video clip, it has taken on a life of its own. People are forwarding it all over the world. We encourage you to share the love of Christ with anyone you can.

(**Sky Angel is a family safe broadcasting service that is offered on satellite. KSBJ is a local Houston Christian music radio station. Video clip produced with love by Hear the entire message at

12 year old Logan Henderson is known as the Sky Angel Cowboy because he listens to his favorite morning radio show on KSBJ in Houston, via Sky Angel Satellite from his home on a ranch in Nebraska. Feeling badly because he had to "take down" a calf, he called the morning show to share his feelings with the show's compassionate host, Mike Kanfelfrtitz. From this young boy comes a powerful message that has been forwarded to thousands around world.

A Message from Logan's Mom

I am Logan’s Mom………I don’t know how many come back to read these after they have blogged but I thought it was time to thank so many of you for the love and acceptance of my son’s heart. It truly was a work of God and it has increased Logan’s faith and brought healing to his heart in more ways than one!! We appreciate your prayers so much. We praise God that this message from Him has brought hope and healing to many of you. Our God is truly an awesome God. May His works continue to go forth through KSBJ, in Jesus name.

Yes, we look forward to what God has in store for Logan. We have known for some time that God has given him a gift of communicating to people’s hearts. We saw signs of it even as a little boy. We homeschool our children and truly enjoy our time with Logan and his sister Erica who is 9.

So, thank you to all of you for your loving responses to a young man’s growing heart. Your prayers have reaped more than you know and will continue to reap heavenly power in this lost and dying world. Praise be to our everlasting Father God in all this!!

With all my love and thanks,
Tee Jay Henderson


(Special thanks to Frank Lazano the Media Director at Velencia Hills Community Church in California for masterfully adding video to the phone call.)

YouTube - Logan, the Sky Angel Cowboy!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Breath of Heaven - Amy Grant

One of my favorite Christian songs. This video version is a YouTube compilation of Amy Grant singing to an LDS video called 'THE NATIVITY'.


The Village Smithy and family

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Is Your Christmas Small?

Is Christ the heart of Christmas, is God in the place He should be?
On a day that we're shuffling gifts, is it all just about you and me?
Isn't Christmas about a King, who came to this earth for everyone?
And peace to all He would bring, as this Ruler was God's own Son.

This very One, who came so meek, did not remain a child so small,
For that, baby so mild and weak, would grow to be The Lord of all.
But if people think of Christ at all, it won't be as The Lord on High,
He is still that tiny baby in a stall, and in this time, we pass Him by.

How many people, would you say, of all the families on this earth,
When they celebrate Christmas Day, look beyond that infant birth?
How many people truly understand, as you consider every nation,
That Christ came to a tiny land, to bring the world God's Salvation.

How is it men have come so far, within this intelligent human race,
Yet in this season, men will bar, all Truth of God's Saving Grace?
Not using this Holy time of year, to lift up God's Christmas Truth,
While giving in to political fear, concerned only of man's reproof.

Why was Christ born my friend, to give the merchants a holiday?
Or, was it God's means to an end, to show all men a better way?
Christmas would be awful small, if we didn't have hope in Christ,
Who came to earth to die for all, so all men can have eternal life.

Copyright ©11/2007 Bob Gotti

You Just Gotta Love This! YouTube - Donald Duck - The Village Smithy Vs The Lord of the Rings

So you know this place is known as The Village Smithy and it is my place to write and share those treasures found on this wonderful sharing place call the Internet.

Here is a fun combination of new and old blended to our enjoyment!

YouTube - Donald Duck - The Village Smithy Vs The Lord of the Rings

. . . and still GOD loves us!

God Still Loves Us

no greater love can one ever feel than the gift from only ONE who gave it all so we can live abundantly. He loves us so very much. . . even when our 'mess' only has the painful beginnings of a message. Remember that with GOD nothing is ever wasted. His plan all along is to bring us all the way . . .not just to the place of pain and regret but all the way.

the VILLAGE SMITHY and his family

When I Say I Am a Christian

When I am weak, He is strong. When I cannot, He always can. This is what is meant to be a Christian. Without Him, we are nothing. But that is okay, because He promises to be E V E R Y T H I N G ! ! !

This is a great poem that describes the relationship each of us can have with our Savior. Set to music by a publisher.

author's website:

Online Videos by

With our blessings on your life,

The Village Smithy and his family

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

View this video, pray and then Let's Talk!

I hope you 'enjoyed' the visual richness of this dramatic multimedia presentation.  It does cause one to think...God has given us so very much!

Merry Christmas from The Village Smithy and his family

Saturday, December 08, 2007

It's Time to Light the Candles of December

It's Time to Light the Candles of December
Exposing the holiday bandits of envy and greed

by Greg Asimakoupoulos
November 30, 2007

Alas, it's December when darkness prevails.
But also the wonder of Biblical tales.
A miracle oil. A miracle birth.
A miracle visit of One sent to earth.

A season that's marked by tall tapers of wax
that light up our world with the truth they unmask.
This season of Christmas and Hanukah too
means candles for Christians and candles for Jews.
Some grace a menorah and some grace a wreath.
The glow from these candles expose cunning thieves
that lurk in the shadows and hide in the weeds.
One thief's name is Envy. The other is Greed.

These holiday bandits are hungry as sin.
They steal and devour contentment within.
Like vandals they lure us. They're really quite smart.
They pillage and plunder the peace in our hearts.
They kidnap our reason insisting on new
while what we are using is fine and will do.

They hold our minds hostage to where we want more.
More money. More status. More stuff. So much more.
More big screens. More cell phones. More video games.
So much more technology. It is so lame.

These holiday villains just must be exposed.
Their criminal conduct's the cause of our woes.
We're weary. We're listless. We're often depressed.
We're angry. We're in debt. We're way over-stressed.

And all the while famines and earthquakes and war
rob helpless young children of life like before.
No shelter. No supper. No sweet dreams at night.
No hope that injustices will be made right.
No parents. No siblings. No laughter. No time.
No chance for survival beyond eight or nine.

No lie. It's the truth. We are victims you see
of devious Greed and his partner Envy.
They're ruining Christmas and Hanukah too.
But there's a solution. Three things we can do.
The first is to thank God for all that we own.
The second's to care for the needy we've known.
The third is to sponsor poor children abroad.
By sharing with orphans, we're honoring God.

Compassion, World Vision and, yes, World Concern
allow us to reach out to kids who've been burned
by random disasters that leveled their lives
reducing their childhood to hunger and sighs.

It's really amazing. By showing we care,
we'll lock up those bandits that cause our despair.
We'll find renewed freedom from unneeded stuff
and even the courage to shout out "Enough!"

Enough of the shopping. Enough of the crowds.
Enough of more diddlies, for crying out loud.
Enough of just buying for family and friends.
Enough of this nonsense. It's time it all ends.

So as we light candles and ready our homes,
let's welcome the Presence that comes with shalom.
Let's listen for what in our hearts we might hear.
In candlelit silence, we find God. He's here.


I hope this month each of you will find

the truth of GOD that lights your path and gives joy to your heart

as you obediently serve Him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Merry Christmas from

The Village Smithy and his wonderful family

Friday, December 07, 2007


In the Spirit of Christmas, we wish you the blessing of knowing how blessed we are and where the blessing originates. This story has been around for over one hundred and thirty years reminding us that God gave Jesus to teach us how we can pass the blessings of giving forward to those around us.

Merry Christmas from The Village Smithy and his wife, Della, and his youngest son, Jeffrey, living in Hollister, CA.


THERE once lived a laborer who earned his daily bread by cutting wood. His wife and two children, a boy and girl, helped him with his work. The boy's name was Valentine, and the girl's, Marie. They were obedient and pious and the joy and comfort of their poor parents.

One winter evening, this good family gathered about the table to eat their small loaf of bread, while the father read aloud from the Bible. Just as they sat down there came a knock on the window, and a sweet voice called: --

"O let me in! I am a little child, and I have nothing to eat, and no place to sleep in. I am so cold and hungry! Please, good people, let me in!"

Valentine and Marie sprang from the table and ran to open the door, saying: --

"Come in, poor child, we have but very little ourselves, not much more than thou hast, but what we have we will share with thee."

The stranger Child entered, and going to the fire began to warm his cold hands.

The children gave him a portion of their bread, and said: --

"Thou must be very tired; come, lie down in our bed, and we will sleep on the bench here before the fire."

Then answered the stranger Child: "May God in Heaven reward you for your kindness."

They led the little guest to their small room, laid him in their bed, and covered him closely, thinking to themselves: --

"Oh! how much we have to be thankful for! We have our nice warm room and comfortable
bed, while this Child has nothing but the sky for a roof, and the earth for a couch."

When the parents went to their bed, Valentine and Marie lay down on the bench before the fire, and said one to the other: --

"The stranger Child is happy now, because he is so warm! Good-night!"

Then they fell asleep.

They had not slept many hours, when little Marie awoke, and touching her brother lightly, whispered: --

"Valentine, Valentine, wake up! wake up! Listen to the beautiful music at the window."

Valentine rubbed his eyes and listened. He heard the most wonderful singing and the sweet notes of many harps.

"Blessed Child,
Thee we greet,
With sound of harp
And singing sweet.

"Sleep in peace,
Child so bright,
We have watched thee
All the night.

"Blest the home
That holdeth Thee,
Peace, and love,
Its guardians be."

The children listened to the beautiful singing, and it seemed to fill them with unspeakable happiness.

Then creeping to the window they looked out.

They saw a rosy light in the east, and, before the house in the snow, stood a number of little children holding golden harps and lutes in their hands, and dressed in sparkling, silver robes.

Full of wonder at this sight, Valentine and Marie continued to gaze out at the window, when they heard a sound behind them, and turning saw the stranger Child standing near. He was clad in a golden garment, and wore a glistening, golden crown upon his soft hair. Sweetly he spoke to the children: --

"I am the Christ Child, who wanders about the world seeking to bring joy and good things to loving children. Because you have lodged me this night I will leave with you my blessing."
Christ Child
As the Christ Child spoke He stepped from the door, and breaking off a bough from a fir tree that grew near, planted it in the ground, saying: --

"This bough shall grow into a tree, and every year it shall bear Christmas fruit for you."

Having said this He vanished from their sight, together with the silver-clad, singing children -- the angels.

And, as Valentine and Marie looked on in wonder, the fir bough grew, and grew, and grew, into a stately Christmas Tree laden with golden apples, silver nuts, and lovely toys. And after that, every year at Christmas time, the Tree bore the same wonderful fruit.

And you, dear boys and girls, when you gather around your richly decorated trees, think of the two poor children who shared their bread with a stranger child, and be thankful.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thank you GOD for Thanksgiving 2007

Some parents feel their children are the best people on earth and
do anything to spend time with them.

Many grandparents just can't keep quiet about the accomplishments of their grandchildren.

We are no different!

Our two newest additions, one almost five months old and the other barely a month old, Jackson Emery and Abigail Camden, haven't done a whole lot yet other than warm our hearts and make us marvel at the creative abilities GOD has given us in such tiny but complete packages.

Today, watching for a smile or listening for a laugh or giggle is more than enough!

We have no idea what or who they will become, but rest assured that several sets of grandparents and parents are going to do everything we can do to provide the best upbringing for them over the next several decades and throughout the rest of their lives.

Through the generosity of friends of friends, we were able to spend the Thanksgiving week at Big Bear Lake, California in a wonderful vacation home perfect for two very oversized extended families and their two grandbabies!

All I can say is:

WE WERE BLESSED BEYOND BELIEF !We hope your Thanksgiving was as memorable and filled with good times as ours!

The Village Smithy with his family

Consider CHRISTMAS 2007 while you listen to Christmas Canon Rock --- by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra

As the Thanksgiving holiday passes for another year, we now can look forward to spending even more quality time with our families on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...after all, can you find another place with more to offer you all year long than your family?

Not just in giving and receiving tangible gifts and trinkets and eating more good food together, but in sharing the love, acceptance and often forgiveness only a family can truly share.

We all so desperately need "the three triplets"--
Faith, Hope and Love
Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness
Jesus, Others and You

Given to you by THE TRINITY:
GOD the Father
GOD the Son
God the Holy Spirit

. . . to give all of us hope
that yesterday contained purpose,
today is worth living and
tomorrow will offer ever increasing opportunities to give of ourselves

as hopefully we remember the greatest gift ever given to every one of us.

Merry Christmas World! Enjoy all GOD has given to us.

Enjoy the musical gift of:
YouTube - Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon Rock

Love to all from The Village Smithy