You just have to love this...
Reflections of my personal journey through life with God as my guide, shelter and ever-present source.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Called Out of Darkness
Exchange is what some call it....GOD takes our junk and gives us His perfection...what a deal for us!
...and we get to praise our Father with all we have! Yes, that is:
T R A N S F O R M A T I O N ! ! !
Thursday, December 04, 2008
just a column... you need to make something that will hold up a very heavy roof. Over the years, the roof and most of the structure are gone.
But this column still stands...that is a testament to the physics and the construction technology the builders had used so brilliantly long ago...and without benefit of CAD, building codes or permits...
So why does it also speak of the incredible craftsmanship and intricate artistry of the creator's as well? Why did they spend so much time creating a work of art just to hold a roof up? What was their motivation?
Maybe they knew we would come along and ask the question....and they had lots of time on their hands back then...
Aren't we fortunate to view such beauty that would not or could not be replicated in today's masterpieces?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
no....Turkey is in the tradition....just enjoy being part of an awesome Thanksgiving legacy....good food, family, friends, a fall harvest with always something to be so thankful to GOD for...what could be better?
The final brushstroke on God's canvas - Woman
Sometimes when you read something by another, the words speak to truth you know and yet cannot express any better...
this is from Shaun Groves. Enjoy...
Genesis 2:19 So GOD formed from the dirt of the ground all the animals of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the Man to see what he would name them. Whatever the Man called each living creature, that was its name.
Hippopotamus. Platypus. Rhinoceros.
Orangutan. Elephant. Lemur.
Dog. Cat. Goat.
Genesis 2:20 The Man named the cattle, named the birds of the air, named the wild animals; but he didn’t find a suitable companion.
Cow. Salamander. Zebra. Not one he called Friend.
Genesis 2:21 GOD put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. 22 GOD then used the rib that he had taken from the Man to make Woman and presented her to the Man.
This one God named. Woman, he called her.
She was His final creation. The finishing touch on a masterpiece. What was missing. The world was not complete and neither was Man until she arrived.
Genesis 2:23 “Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh!”
And man said, “Wow! This is good! Really really good! She’s more beautiful than Peacock, more graceful than Eagle, better conversation than Monkey. She’s perfect. I don’t ever want her to leave. I can’t believe I ever lived without her. I must have been living half as much.”
Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh. 25 The two of them, the Man and his Wife, were naked, but they felt no shame.
One. Not by paper or principality.
Naked. She stands bare before him, untainted by corrosive self-doubt injected by magazines and peers. She has no peer. She has no ideal. She is pleased because her Maker is, confident and prized because she is His.
Then flesh rests against flesh. Relaxed. Valued. Belonging. What was separate, housed in two bodies, joins. The depths of two souls woven together in an instant. No shame. No lonely. No distance.
Day and night, waters and skies, birds and cattle. All of this was incomplete without man and man was incomplete without her. And she is so treasured and essential that God couldn’t pull His pen through even one book of His epic without her flowing from His heart and onto the page. There she is on the pedestal of Adam’s adoration and God’s provision.
Before model’s measured her and husbands forsook her. Before companies passed over her and children fatigued her. Before magazines dieted her and age bent her. Before religion veiled her and preachers silenced her. Before governments controlled her and fathers ignored her. Before the world fell and rose only to stumble for eons as a crippled amnesiac unable to recall her worth - she was Woman. Friend. Lover. Beautiful. Valuable. Essential. Completion.
The final brushstroke on God’s canvas.
Bless the woman in your life. She is a one-of-a-kind custom made original handpicked for you to live with and celebrate!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sea Wall
What an immaculate vista!
Think of all the storms this wall has endured. Look at the pitting on the surface of the concrete. Imagine all of the salt spray, wind blasts and water must have forced their way into the very character of the wall as it stood strong, protecting people and their possessions. The onslaught of weather over many many years could not defeat this wall from doing what it was made to do.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Death of Blue Crayon
...and then there is the sad tale of the blue crayon.
It wanted to be famous and independent....well, the sun was a little much for it as it went outside for its first walk on the wild 110 degree summer didn't make it to the street.
Poor poor blue crayon.
We will remember you every time we look up into the sky...well the original artist is far more creative in storytelling than I...
read and enjoy:
Blue Crayon, 3 months old, of Crayola Town, died unexpectedly June 5, 2008, in an Albertsons parking lot in Winter Park, FL due to prolonged exposure to the elements. He was born on March 17, 2008 in the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Crayola Manufacturing Facility, and eventually made it to Albertsons of Winter Park where he was to spend his final days. To look at the life of Blue Crayon requires one to look at much more than just where he was born and where he died. Blue did many things in his life and is noted for many great achievements. He has been credited as being 1/3 of the reason why RGB became so popular, as well as being one of the primary collaborators in color. Many of his close friends say that he was ‘cool’ and that to them he symbolized youth, spirituality, truth and peace. Despite his successes he was always most noted as being a family man. The majority of Blue Crayon’s life was spent in the confines of his box with the rest of his color family. It is with them that the days preceding his passing were spent in the confines of Albetsons Grocery. He stayed here for several days before beginning what would end as a fatal journey. Shortly after leaving on his way to the play place of a young Emily Smith, Blue Crayon took a horrid fall landing him in his final resting place. It was not the fall that killed him, but the hours he spent helplessly lying on the hot asphalt waiting for Emily’s mother, Mrs. Smith to call for help. However this call was never made and many are questioning why Mrs. Smith neglected to seek help. Family members are currently pressing the local and state police to look further into the matter and murder charges are pending.
Uploaded by Seth Teeters on 24 Jun 08, 9.14PM PST.
Crayon juice
So how did you think you get paint?
It just takes a little squeezing and filling of a paint can....and there you go!
crayon rainbow
GOD takes a little blue, green, yellow, orange, red and pink....add a little texture and you have a rainbow made in heaven.
GOD bless you as you blend your color into the full spectrum He has created.
Drive on in......
It is time for fall...
drive on in and discover the beauty of fall colors in this wonderfully beautiful world GOD created just for you!
Be blessed this THANKSGIVING as you see all He has done for you!
Listen to the heart of these words by Sara Groves

One cannot escape the message when it is presented in this way or another, we need to consider the truth of the issue and how it applies to our lives...enjoy!
Sara on her Spiritual Buffalo...
There is a scene in the movie Dances with Wolves where the Sioux are on a much anticipated buffalo hunt. As they come up over a hill, they are shocked to see a field full of buffalo carcasses. The tragedy of that moment is that where the Sioux use every piece of the buffalo—the bladder holds water, the bone makes a tool, the skin is a covering for a tent- whoever has done this has taken the best part of the buffalo for himself and has left everything else to waste. There is no way to make good use of all that is lying in this field.
I was so convicted when I went to Africa that I am not using all of my spiritual buffalo. I have developed this one side of my personal relationship with God. I go to church, I have incredible worship, and I listen to incredible speakers. I have money to buy devotionals, and leisure time to do those devotionals. I have spent a lifetime grooming a personal faith in Christ, but have I been taking the best piece of the buffalo for myself? There has been a joy in discovering the good use of my life. There is a reciprocal redemption that happens when we enter into stories of helping our neighbor—not just around the world, but in our own communities. When I came home from Africa, instead of feeling guilty for my life, I began to hear God in a very clear way say, ‘that thing carries water, that thing makes a tool, that is covering for a tent.’ There is a beauty to the good use of a life, and to the acknowledgment that everything you have and do has a Kingdom purpose.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pour out Your favor Lord
California Brick
but this brick just asked me to take its picture.
There is something so textural and esthetic and full of history in the process of stamping a cool name into a brick and then using the brick for whatever....and then documenting it all by taking a picture of that weathering process.
Brick is the stuff of generations of manmade structures. Both handmade and machine made.
I think it is so cool.
But really, it was just muddy clay once upon a so special. Not in a special place...just laying around in a field. Not so good for anything.
You know, maybe that's what I like...once I was just muddy clay...
but then GOD put His stamp on me and I now go through life expressing those wonderful qualities that GOD placed in me.
Add the weathering effects of time, circumstance, emotion, and wisdom...and I take on the same wonderful patina found in these bricks.
Thank you GOD!
...for your gentle care and mysterious ways in bringing out the best in me. May I bless others as these bricks blessed me today.
Friday, November 14, 2008
once a long time ago, I looked like this....but I didn't have a colorful binky...instead, I used my thumb.
...and that is supposed to be bad now.
But look at those precious little eyelashes and that pure glistening skin!
Emery Grain for Filling Pincushions should you ever want to keep your sewing needles sharp and clean, use emery. It is so useful as an abrasive!
Thanks GOD for a great name!
can't sing...but this group can and it shares my name....hmm. Wonder why they chose my name for their group?
Do they polish their listeners? Well, GOD calls us to do just that....iron sharpening iron.
North Emery Falls
cool name...yes, I have a certain prejudice...but the waterfall is really cool it cascades over the rocky layers, it smooths down the 'watercourse."
Very very nice!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
driftwood glimpse
do you look at the view or does your eye stop at the textures of driftwood grain and curl and knots?
Imagine all the storms this driftwood has felt here on this beach...and just so we could enjoy this view.
Thank you GOD!
Dancing trees
"...trees of the field lift the arms to You...,
I want to praise you Lord..."
My wife, Della, has degenerative knees and a lot of pain, but one day she says she knows she will dance before the Lord.
I wait for that day...
She is awesome!
Cool Clouds
...clouds are filled with water...water brings brings growth...growth brings maturity...maturity brings resolve...resolve brings fullness...fullness brings contentment...contentment brings knowledge...knowledge brings GOD...GOD brings all life...
aren't we glad the clouds release their cargo?
Be blessed!
what is real? Is it the mountains that stand erect into the atmosphere? ...or is it the reflection upon the water?
what a beautiful place to consider our be light and a reflection of Who created us.
Be blessed!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Cherry love
My wife loves cherries...I think it was living on Cherry Street for five years. But we have been in love for almost 40 years...ever since high school...this is a tribute to my wife.
I love you Della. Here is to many more years of loving each other.
Your husband forever and a day,
Driftwood imitations
So do you think mimicking rocks is an occupational hazard of driftwood? Weathering seems to take its toll on everything...but look at the incredible character you find on a beach...with soothing sound effects to go along with the view.
Life doesn't happen overnight and it isn't always pretty but it always adds to character if you endure to the end.
Think of all the history these bristlecones have lived through....time begetting time...and they added just a little growth each year...and bent to the wind and snow and heat and rain...and yet they were...and are...and will be.
Be blessed!
Message to every woman
Yes I am pro-life. It only makes sense when you think of the Hippocratic Oath, the sacredness of life, the legal system and its view of morality...if you have found yourself in an unwelcome situation of pregnancy, don't compound your mistake by taking another life.
That is what King David did when he got Bathsheba pregnant and he decided to kill her husband, Uriah. Nothing is ever hidden so his sins of lust, greed, adultery and murder were revealed and he paid the price, but GOD forgave him and called him "a man after GOD'S own heart. Repentance and honesty will bring healing.
Adoption not abortion. Someone loves that child within you. Give her or him the truest gift you can...of life.
Be BLESSED! GOD loves you too.
Sweetheart Abbey ruins
come to a place where memories of a heart lost are planted below the grasses of the ruins.
Where do you keep your memories of lost treasures?
Give them in a container to GOD.
He knows what to do with give life to your today and promise for your tomorrows.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Aren't you glad that GOD has an open door policy?
Just as Job followed the example of hospitality he learned from His GOD, we can see that GOD has no locks on His doors...
"I have never turned away a stranger
but have opened my doors to everyone."
Job 31:32
Key to the Lord's Treasure
Often we are challenged to listen to a variety of ideas...some of which sound reasonable and others sound confusing and others just sound wrong. As with anything of value, go to the 'safe' with the key given to you for this very purpose and unlock the riches that have real value...
He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.
Isaiah 33:6
The Path of Life
You know climbing higher just seems like something I want to do more and more...consider this.
Knock and the Door Will Be Opened
this is His promise to you...
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will
find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Luke 11:9-10
The Coastlands!
Isaiah 24:14-16 (The MESSAGE)
But there are some who will break into glad song.
Out of the west they'll shout of God's majesty.
Yes, from the east God's glory will ascend.
Every island of the sea
Will broadcast God's fame,
the fame of the God of Israel.
From the four winds and the seven seas we hear the singing:
"All praise to the Righteous One!"
Changing Booths
Okay just a thought of whimsy...with colors like this....what do you get changed into?
just cute construction and great colors...
You have the microphone
So...have you ever thought what you might say if you have a broadcast microphone to the world? And you could say anything you wanted? Would it be a rant? An encouragement? An acknowledgment of someone's service to others? What is it you really want to say?
Did you realize that prayer is just that? An opportunity to speak to the most important Listener in the universe?
Go with Him about the real deep thoughts you is okay...He has heard similar thoughts before....and He has a thick He truly loves you unconditionally.
Sky and water and minerals growing on wood...something about this picture just makes this picture so inviting...
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Keep it Simple
That is the way we spent our rainy anniversary day....simple.
This morning we had breakfast with an old friend who returned to our area after a summer drive in his 5th wheel trailer motor home rig to Alaska and back.
Then we went for a couple of hours at our favorite haunt....Barnes-Noble in Gilroy...then to an afternoon movie, FireProof, in Morgan Hill . Gotta see it everyone!
Then an hour at our church to check in on the televised The Call-San Diego to see how passionately believers from around the world are for GOD to hear their cry for a return to His Kingdom Come...His Will Be Done...On earth as it is in Heaven.
Tonight, dear friends took us to dinner at Chili's in Gilroy. Yes, simple pleasures, friends, family, and GOD. It just doesn't get any better than that!
I love you Della! Thanks for 33 years!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tonight I heard a pastor refer to his body as temporary quarters.
Why do we think everything we do will last?
Alas, there is a season for building, a time for filling, and a time to tear down....but, just before, there is a time to reflect on the beauty and the character of that which is no longer of much value functionally but still very charming to our aesthetic and to our remembrances.
Be blessed! One day, you too will be admired like this barn. May you have many stories to tell of all that was contained in the life and in the walls.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Burj Al Arab - برج العرب -The Purple Hour
And for another, what theatrics! Some places just want to be seen...and can you fault them? This is one impressive place on Earth...and they say the limits are whatever the mind can conceive... and the Prince will authorize!
Great photo by a great artist!
Before & Now
Throughout the world, we juxtapose the past with our view of the future here in the present...architecture has such a strong message when utilized as a medium and not merely as a function of containment.
This photo is such a strong reminder of heritage and vision. I am impressed!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Carpet Of Leaves
As Summer ends, GOD covers the earth with His gold, green, red intensities only He could provide to our color spectrum and to our hearts. GOD loves beauty and delighting His children.
What a GOD we have!
Be blessed this week as you discover His beauty in your world. Listen to His voice as you see His creative talents.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Do You See Your Calling? VerseVisions Art; Romans 1:1
"Separated unto the Gospel." Romans 1:1
I sometimes get so caught up in trying to be good in the eyes of God. I find myself so preoccupied with my own inner behavior that I lose sight of what God has called me to do first and foremost- proclaim the Gospel.
I justify this by thinking that there is no way that I can be used by God to witness to others until I clean up all of the garbage within myself. The truth is, if I wait until I am personally “holy”, I will never be of any use to God here on earth. God is very interested in reaching and saving His lost children, yet I am more interested in how He can make me more pleasing in my own eyes.
Father God, forgive me for my selfishness and pour into me your passion and urgency to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
This painting was inspired by the powerful devotions penned and published by Oswald Chambers in the early 1900’s. His powerful book, My Utmost for His Highest, continues to touch my life and draw me closer to Jesus. I hope that this art and verse do the same for you!
Read the devotional from My Utmost For His Highest that inspired this work.
Do You See Your Calling? VerseVisions® Art; Romans 1:1. Mark Lawrence, 2008. Digital mixed media on canvas, 36 x 36 inches. Copyright © 2008 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved
Psalm 25
Show me your ways, O LORD!
Continuing the psalmic art series. Psalm 25 - Show me Your Ways, O LORD
Uploaded by traqair57 on 16 Aug 08, 5.55PM PDT.
Psalm 24
Yes....without question and without a man-made paper document called a deed,
The Earth is the Lord's. He is generous in what He shares with us!
Are we generous in what we share with Him?
Is He Really Lord? VerseVisions Art; Acts 20:24
Is He Really Lord? VerseVisions Art; Acts 20:24 by Marketseq.
". . . so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus." Acts 20:24
This painting was inspired by the moving devotions penned and published by Oswald Chambers in the early 1900’s. His powerful book, My Utmost for His Highest, continues to touch my life and draw me closer to Jesus. I hope that this art and verse do the same for you!
Read the devotional from My Utmost For His Highest that inspired this work.
Is He Really Lord? VerseVisions® Art; Acts 20:24. Mark Lawrence, 2008. Digital mixed media on canvas, 60 x 40 inches. Copyright ©2008 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.
Genesis 1:1, Painting with Light Art
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Genesis 1:1
Genesis 1:1, Painting with Light, VerseVisions, 2008. Digital mixed media on canvas, 60x60 inches. Copyright © 2008 by Mark Lawrence. All Rights Reserved.
* Painting With Light
This painting has been rendered with a unique new Painting with Light art technique that “paints” the picture using the selected Bible verse text as the paintbrush. You are seeing the verse above painted imperceptibly millions of times repeatedly across the canvas! God's inspiring Word is literally woven within the colors and composition of this one of a kind painting.
VerseVisions® Inspirational Art with a Promise from God!
"It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." Isaiah 55:11 NLT
Perhaps God sent this art to you today so He could touch and encourage your heart with His very special word for you.