Thursday, December 04, 2008

just a column...

20080101-_MG_2620, originally uploaded by Leo Laporte. you need to make something that will hold up a very heavy roof. Over the years, the roof and most of the structure are gone.

But this column still stands...that is a testament to the physics and the construction technology the builders had used so brilliantly long ago...and without benefit of CAD, building codes or permits...

So why does it also speak of the incredible craftsmanship and intricate artistry of the creator's as well? Why did they spend so much time creating a work of art just to hold a roof up? What was their motivation?

Maybe they knew we would come along and ask the question....and they had lots of time on their hands back then...

Aren't we fortunate to view such beauty that would not or could not be replicated in today's masterpieces?

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