Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Death of Blue Crayon

The Death of Blue Crayon, originally uploaded by Seth Teeters.

...and then there is the sad tale of the blue crayon.

It wanted to be famous and independent....well, the sun was a little much for it as it went outside for its first walk on the wild 110 degree summer didn't make it to the street.

Poor poor blue crayon.

We will remember you every time we look up into the sky...well the original artist is far more creative in storytelling than I...

read and enjoy:
Blue Crayon, 3 months old, of Crayola Town, died unexpectedly June 5, 2008, in an Albertsons parking lot in Winter Park, FL due to prolonged exposure to the elements. He was born on March 17, 2008 in the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Crayola Manufacturing Facility, and eventually made it to Albertsons of Winter Park where he was to spend his final days. To look at the life of Blue Crayon requires one to look at much more than just where he was born and where he died. Blue did many things in his life and is noted for many great achievements. He has been credited as being 1/3 of the reason why RGB became so popular, as well as being one of the primary collaborators in color. Many of his close friends say that he was ‘cool’ and that to them he symbolized youth, spirituality, truth and peace. Despite his successes he was always most noted as being a family man. The majority of Blue Crayon’s life was spent in the confines of his box with the rest of his color family. It is with them that the days preceding his passing were spent in the confines of Albetsons Grocery. He stayed here for several days before beginning what would end as a fatal journey. Shortly after leaving on his way to the play place of a young Emily Smith, Blue Crayon took a horrid fall landing him in his final resting place. It was not the fall that killed him, but the hours he spent helplessly lying on the hot asphalt waiting for Emily’s mother, Mrs. Smith to call for help. However this call was never made and many are questioning why Mrs. Smith neglected to seek help. Family members are currently pressing the local and state police to look further into the matter and murder charges are pending.

Uploaded by Seth Teeters on 24 Jun 08, 9.14PM PST.

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