Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Horsetail Firefall - Proof of A MOMENT IN TIME

Horsetail Firefall, originally uploaded by Wiggum03.

I don't know the photographer but he has captured something I believe is one of the abundant daily miracles that occur somewhere around this globe every single day. GOD is so good to share His beauty with us. Photography has allowed a type of sharing that goes beyond just those who are at the right place at the right time.

The metaphor is significant.

As believers in the Christ, we have seen something GOD shares openly with all but all do not see. We either have to by chance show up at one of these supernatural spectacles, or be told where and when to view them first hand or live through the vicariously wonderful ability to see through another's eyes.

If you know Jesus, tell of His excellent love.

If you do not know Jesus, listen as one who does tells you how you too can experience this wonder of L I F E yourself.

If you are one who never seems to be at the right place at the right time, live through the vicarious thrill of what another has experienced.

But keep an eye open...there will be a day when you too see what no one has seen quite like you. Be BLESSED!

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