Yes, this is a commercial. It has been a while since it was on the television. But it is still true. We all need a good listener in our lives and yes, it probably isn't your husband. We fail at this special calling....."Come on, can't you get to the point?" We constantly think we are more important than those we are listening to.
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“Let it out” was composed by Austin Hartley, and recorded on the Starrfadu album “A Narrow Road to Silence”. Starrfadu is Brian Moody (drums), Dave Martin (bass) and Austin Hartley (vocals and guitar). Starrfadu are based in Springfield, Missouri. For more details see the official Starrfadu web site and Starrfadu MySpace site.
Lyrics for Let It Out
Do you want to lay your head on my shoulder?
I don’t mind if you cry
sometimes we all just to need to let it out
Just let your tears run down my arm
so I can keep them in a blue jar
We’ll drink them later
so just let it out
Let it out…
Let’s take a walk just to clear our heads
I don’t mind that you’re holding my hand
You say you love me so just let it out
Let it out
Your smile is pleasant
a change from before
When you saw that you couldn’t take any more
Sometimes we all just need to let it out
Let it out.
Let it out.
You know, the best place to let it out is to our heavenly Father. He is asking all of us to do just that as He knows we cannot hold it in without pain and consequence, but He can take care of it all! Whether it is relational, or finances, or physical pain or a thousand other issues, He can fix it!
Give it a try. Just ask Him to listen to your pain....He has been doing that very thing for His children for millenniums. Be BLESSED!
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