I recently came across this in a web-scurry...yes, sort of like what mice do when they know they are looking for food but don't exactly know what or where they will find it...well, this is a nice big piece of cheese that I emailed out to my friends immediately. It speaks a truth I have found personally true and incredibly helpful to my life. I hope Logan's message and Frank's posting it on YouTube will be helpful to you at Christmas. I know pain does a lot of awful things to people and hope is the first solution to any problem.
Merry Christmas from THE VILLAGE SMITHY and his family.
(A Frank Lozano Production) We have had a lot of requests to replay the phone call that Pastor Mike shared during our church service on Sunday, Nov. 11th, 2007.
Here you'll find the video clip that was created just for you. We've placed the video on YouTube so that you can watch it and share with family and friends.
Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.
Since airing the audio of the phone call and now the making of the video clip, it has taken on a life of its own. People are forwarding it all over the world. We encourage you to share the love of Christ with anyone you can.
(**Sky Angel is a family safe broadcasting service that is offered on satellite. KSBJ is a local Houston Christian music radio station. Video clip produced with love by www.FrankLozano.com Hear the entire message at www.ValenciaHills.com)
12 year old Logan Henderson is known as the Sky Angel Cowboy because he listens to his favorite morning radio show on KSBJ in Houston, via Sky Angel Satellite from his home on a ranch in Nebraska. Feeling badly because he had to "take down" a calf, he called the morning show to share his feelings with the show's compassionate host, Mike Kanfelfrtitz. From this young boy comes a powerful message that has been forwarded to thousands around world.
A Message from Logan's Mom
I am Logan’s Mom………I don’t know how many come back to read these after they have blogged but I thought it was time to thank so many of you for the love and acceptance of my son’s heart. It truly was a work of God and it has increased Logan’s faith and brought healing to his heart in more ways than one!! We appreciate your prayers so much. We praise God that this message from Him has brought hope and healing to many of you. Our God is truly an awesome God. May His works continue to go forth through KSBJ, in Jesus name.
Yes, we look forward to what God has in store for Logan. We have known for some time that God has given him a gift of communicating to people’s hearts. We saw signs of it even as a little boy. We homeschool our children and truly enjoy our time with Logan and his sister Erica who is 9.
So, thank you to all of you for your loving responses to a young man’s growing heart. Your prayers have reaped more than you know and will continue to reap heavenly power in this lost and dying world. Praise be to our everlasting Father God in all this!!
With all my love and thanks,
Tee Jay Henderson
(Special thanks to Frank Lazano the Media Director at Velencia Hills Community Church in California for masterfully adding video to the phone call.)
YouTube - Logan, the Sky Angel Cowboy!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCdZwitrNoY&feature=related
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