Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grass roofing

Grass roofing, originally uploaded by jamie.marie.

Products available to the community from the earth found locally. Here in California, we have codes and companies and rules and status that all get in the way of a group of creative talented friends installing thatch on a roof...I know I sound idealistic but tell me this kind of cooperative effort on such a low-key basis doesn't have some appeal!

Back to the earth and indigenous as mankind has done for milleniums...but it just doesn't provide much for the profit-generating, free-enterprise, possessions-oriented culture. Subsistance is hard work! I wonder if the stress-levels and the cancer rates and the divorce rates are the same in these cultures as they are in the 'developed' western world. Hmmm.

And the real question for me is what will heaven be like? Will our lifestyles look like the Western world or like the rest of the world? God knows...and soon enough we will too.

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