Friday, May 22, 2009

Pondering Futility

Pondering Futility, originally uploaded by Philosopher Queen.

is this the solution to planning for our future?

Naaah, GOD is far more able to plan out our lives with a plan and a purpose...without the headaches and eyestrain and smoky rooms.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (New Living Translation)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

this is not the pond you came from

_DSC9983-Web, originally uploaded by Bimo Marwoto.

while this is definitely a beautiful pond with some rather mystical qualities, it is not the source of all life...

we were created in the image of GOD our Father and not just pond slime.

You are beautiful!

eating the light

picking up the bokeh, originally uploaded by Bimo Marwoto.

This is how you get the light inside you....haha.


Competitors, originally uploaded by bonedad.

...and the wind always wins!

with a little help from the other elements.

Pax Machina

Pax Machina, originally uploaded by bonedad.

old tractors, weathered wood, a big sky and lots of grasses....beautiful.

Morality Corner

Morality Corner, originally uploaded by bonedad.

This is where I want to live...the way is not so easy to get to but OH so worth it!

The Wind - Current

Current, originally uploaded by bonedad.

Though we cannot see the wind, we can see the effects of the wind and what we see shows flow and current...

GOD is so brilliant!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!, originally uploaded by Dragan*. I am either very very late or I am really early but two hearts in the snow filled spaces of an iron fence is just too cool!

Enjoy the love...and the summer...Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire, originally uploaded by Dragan*.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

And smile while you are at it....your joy will be infectious!


Narcissus, originally uploaded by Dragan*.

could you imagine a more creative use of color?

Even if I had the whole box of crayons, I don't think I could duplicate this.

Burning Heart

Burning Heart, originally uploaded by Dragan*.

...and is the Holy Spirit the wind that fuels the flame?

Pretty awesome picture!


Ladybug, originally uploaded by Dragan*.

Is there a cuter insect than a ladybug? Are there male ladybugs?

So was this name one of Adam's more clever names?

The sky is the limit!

, originally uploaded by Andreas Reinhold.

I love the green of the earth and what grows here but what can top the various colors and textures of the sky?

Thank you GOD!

macro art

macro art, originally uploaded by dedalus11.

I so love the artistic quality of rust! It is annoying to anything that is supposed to actually move like a rusty nut on rusty threads. There is no patina quite like the one metal gets as it oxidizes.

Do you think we look that way to GOD as we weather the storms that liberate us from the perfection of new shiny metal? I think so.

I think He loves the wrinkles, laugh lines, sags and bulges where there once was shows process.

lantern festival in motion

and the prayers just keep ascending to the King. Cool!

Prayers in lanterns on the water

Have you ever wondered what your prayers might look like to GOD? Well, there are several places in Scripture that describe His listening...but I like this visual.

From the Throne flows a river, River of Grace, these lanterns are our prayers flowing to the King....hmmm, how does that happen...moving upstream?

Well, we only see things rule by natural laws...and His Kingdom operates by Supernatural Laws. Cool!